Friday, May 1, 2009

Submission...Yea Right!

This post has a round-about thing to do with Maggie. I am notorious for constantly changing the radio station in the car and it's quite annoying for some folks. So, as usual I was skimming through the radio stations and heard Beth Moore speaking on one of the local Christian radio stations here. I've heard her speak before and she's always interesting and pretty funny. She just happened to be talking about marriage, a subject I know very little about. She started commenting on submission...well, if you know me then you know this probably isn't my strong suit. Submission used to be a four letter word to me; you don't say it and don't expect me to do it. Then Beth Moore quoted another man's view of submission: "Submission is learning to duck so that God can hit your husband." I thought that was too hysterical and so true! Hearing that quote was like having a paradigm shift for me, my views of submission have almost completely changed. While I don't know if I'll ever get married, I don't feel that Maggie is lacking in wonderful male Christian role-models; men who love their wives and families and Christ loved the church. I don't pray for a husband because I feel selfish as I've been given so much, I simply pray that God's Will, will be done and that I'll recognize it when I see it.

1 comment:

carolinagirl said...

Praying for you, Abby.