Saturday, November 1, 2008

On a Lighter Note..Maggie visits Bella Lucce!

On Wednesday I took Maggie to visit my old workplace, Bella Lucce (this is where I had that dream job and got to travel to fancy places)! It brought back so many memories. I got to meet the new crew and it was wonderful to see the place going strong. After a brief visit at the office, Lela, Maggie and I went out to lunch at Miyo's. It was so much fun getting to catch up with her...we reminisced about old times and caught up on some happenings. I was super-nervous about taking Maggie down there by myself but she did perfect! She barely fussed at can see in the picture she's really tired but she didn't want to go to sleep because she might miss something exciting. Bella Lucce has many delicious body products and Maggie is a fan of the Vanilla Coconut Whipped Shea which she puts on after her bath almost every night. Thank you Lela for a wonderful visit...hopefully next time we can see Chloe and Celie!

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