Thursday, March 26, 2009

Maggie Must Have: PediPeds!

Almost since Maggie was born Great Granny has been determined to buy Maggie a pair of shoes. Well, one Saturday Mimi, Great Granny, Maggie and I were out shopping and stopped by the adorable little store The Lilypad where they carry super-cute baby clothes and accessories. They also happen to carry PediPed's, a children's shoe line. These adorable shoes range from dressy to sporty to casual. We picked out Maggie a great pair of casual pink shoes so they match several of her outfits perfectly! They are soft-soled shoes and supposedly are the next best thing to bare feet for little babies. The only down side to the shoes is they're velcro and Maggie has figured out how to take them off other than that they're fantastic!!

UPDATE: Here is Maggie in her newest pair of PediPed's! These were Maggie's Easter shoes; a gift from Mimi.


carolinagirl said...

I can't wait to see a picture of her new shoes! Girls love to buy shoes, starting her young! :-)

Joelle Turner said...

Aren't PediPeds the best?!?? They were my girls first shoes and they are the best things they've worn so far!!