Saturday, March 14, 2009

Maggie's Must-Have: Avalon Organics Baby Products

We will be starting a new feature on the blog...every now and then we will feature a "Maggie Must-Have" where we will highlight items that Maggie loves. So here is our very first...

I don't know about you but growing up I never really paid attention to any product labels, that is, until I started working at Bella Lucce. It wasn't until then when I really started looking at what goes into and onto my body. When I had Maggie I was definitely concerned about what products I would use for her. And since Bella Lucce doesn't have a baby line (hint,hint, Lela :-)I knew I would have to find a new bath product. I didn't want to use chemical-filled products on her, especially since she had been in the NICU when she was first born and had been pumped full of antibiotics already. So started the search...and we found Avalon Organics, certified organic baby products.

The product line is wonderful and we use almost every baby product they offer! Maggie loves the shampoo, it leaves her skin soft and her hair smelling wonderful. I love it too because I can pronounce and know every ingredient that is going onto her skin! So far I've found the products at Babies R Us and Publix, who even carries their traveling kit! They are a little bit on the pricier side than regular baby shampoo but those few pennies are definitely worth my piece of mind. So until Bella Lucce (hopefully) creates a baby line; Maggie's must have bath product is: Avalon Organic for Baby!

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