Monday, October 12, 2009

Re-naming the blog...

Well, I have decided to rename my blog...Only I'm having some trouble incoming up with some names. So, I'm soliciting your help in the your ideas and we'll see who wins! Here are some I've been thinking about...

The Mommy Diaries (play on the book "The Nanny Diaries")
The Mommy Life

Those are seriously the only two I can think of. I'm blaming my lack of creativity on lack of sleep and our too busy schedule. Give us some suggestions huh?


carolinagirl said...

Abby's Adventures

Maggie's Mommie

Mommie of Maggie

Just 3 that came to the top of my head. :-) I'm sure other people have better ideas.

Sarah said...

the princess's mommy

Abby's Baby

Maggie and me

I'll try to think of more!!