Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Charlie's Special Day

For those of you who know me then you know of my love for dogs. And my big Charlie Brown is my special dog that I bought at Pets, Inc. in Columbia. Charlie's life was turned upside down last year when first we moved home to Greenville (leaving behind his roommate Sam) and then when Maggie was born. He suddenly had a room of toys he couldn't touch and this tiny thing that screamed and took attention away from him. Well, slowly him and Maggie have become better friends and I think it's safe to say that Charlie is Maggie's favorite toy---he's interactive! Maggie feeds Charlie every night, with GrandPop's help, of course. And she loves to give him treats! Hopefully, we'll be able to post video of it soon.

Back to the point of this blog...Charlie had a special day a couple weeks ago at Waggin' in the Waterpark at Southside Park here in Greenville. It's an annual event that allows dogs to "take over" the water park and swim around and play. This year we took Charlie and he had a blast. Charlie and I's picture was the only one to make it into the newspaper! So if you venture over to this website you can view the full gallery of all the dogs that day. It was a great event and we will be returning next year!

UPDATE: Charlie will be getting another special day soon...Greenville Tech is hosting Bark in the Park in October!

1 comment:

carolinagirl said...

What a cute picture!!! I'm sure mom made her go get in the bath as soon as she was done playing with Charlie and his ball.